Circus and phisical theater show
life music / TV installation / video / recycling
in Kejos The-at-er circus tent
in Kejos The-at-er circus tent
Garbage show was
created during artistic residency in Srebrna Góra – Stoszowice
1.7-9.7 2013 in progress...
1.7-9.7 2013 in progress...
Some people say recycling is ok. Some say is not ok. And I say fine, ok, ok to recycling today. I also say art of trash is important in the world of unspeakable creation
of the nation of the reorganization of the world as we seek to find. Amin
Cast: Antek Ambroziewicz (bike acrobatics), Katarzyna Donner (aerials), Marta Kuczyńska (juggling), Sara Skrajna (contortion, aerials)
Music: Piotr Łyszkiewicz (saksofon), Wojtek Bergander (contra-base)
Video, TV instalation: Agnespies
Scenario: Marta Kuczyńska
Direction: Marta Kuczyńska, Hubert Zieliński
Lights: Grzegorz Podbiegłowski
Costumes: Patrycja Białoszewska
Scenography: Bartłomiej Wielgosz, Patrycja Białoszewska, Marta Kuczyńska, Agnespies
9 lipiec 2013 Srebrna Góra - Namiot cyrkowy
12,13,14 lipiec 2013 Gdańsk - Festiwal FETA
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